Hi there, it's great to be able to share my story with you. As someone who has had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout India and the world, I've developed a deep appreciation for the complexities of human history.
From as far back as I can remember, I've been fascinated by the past. My classmates would often refer to me as the "history guy" in school, and my teachers recognized my passion for the subject, describing me as a history buff who had a unique ability to understand it. My one of the oldest memory from school is of my teacher complaining after our school trip to Qutub Minar that Arnav’s questions don’t end.
Throughout my academic career, I've been fortunate to have excelled in my studies, earning top honors in primary and college, and even receiving a silver medal. But my passion for history has never waned, and I decided to take my knowledge and turn it into something tangible - a best-selling book titled Conquest & Intrigue Rise of Khalji Empire
Beyond my academic pursuits, I've always been involved in sports and extracurricular activities, playing every sport and leading the debate club as president for two years in college. I've always had a curious mind, and I believe that this curiosity, coupled with my dedication to history, has allowed me to analyze complex historical events in a unique way.
Preparing for the UPSC exam has been a defining period of my life, as it has allowed me to develop the skills and knowledge needed to truly master history. And while my journey has been long, I'm excited to continue exploring the depths of the past, uncovering new insights, and sharing my love for history with others.
As I introduce this remarkable individual, I can't help but feel a sense of admiration for their extensive travels across 22 states and 6 union territories within India, as well as their ventures to 19 countries. It is with great pleasure that I introduce a true historian, whose fascination with the past is as natural as the very air we breathe.